I. Statutory Materials
Acts of the State of Tennessee passed by the General Assembly, KFT 25 .A23; Microfiche 266
West’s Tennessee Code Annotated, KFT 30 2001 .A44
West's Tennessee Code Annotated. Constitution volume, KFT 30 2001 .A44 vol. 1
Hein’s Superseded State Statutes and Codes, Microfiche 3093 (1831 -present)
Michie’s Tennessee Code & Constitution (powered by Lexis)
Tennessee Constitution (TNCNST)
Tennessee Code Annotated (CODE)
Tennessee Advance Legislative Service (TNALS)
West's Tennessee Statutes - Annotated (TN-ST-ANN)
Tennessee Statutes (West's) - Unannotated (TN-ST)
Tennessee Statutes - Annotated (TN-STANN01 - TN-STANNO8; TN-STMANN86 - TN-STMANN07) (1986 - present)
II. Legislative Materials
Tennessee. General Assembly. House. Journal, KFT 18 .T2 yr.c
Tennessee. General Assembly. Senate. Journal, KFT 18 .T2 yr.b
Legislative Search
Senate Journal
House Journal
Additional digitized volumes of the legislative journals may be available through the following sources:
Google Books
Hathi Trust
Tennessee Full-Text Bills (TNTEXT)
Tennessee Bill Tracking Reports (TNTRCK)
Tennessee Legislative Bill History (TNLH) (1999 - present)
Tennessee Legislative Service (TN-LEGIS)
Tennessee Bill Tracking - Summaries & Full Text Combined (TN-BILLS)
Tennessee Bill Tracking (TN-BILLTRK)
Tennessee Bill Tracking - Full Text (TN-BILLTXT)
Tennessee Bill Archives (TN-BILLS-OLD)
Tennessee Legislative History (TN-LH)
Tennessee Historical Legislative Service (TN-LEGIS-OLD) (1990 - present)
III. Administrative Regulations & Materials
Official Compilation Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee, KFT 35 1975 .A22
Tennessee Administrative Register, KFT 36 .T4
Rules & Regulations
The Tennessee Administrative Register (T.A.R.)
Rules and Regulations of the State of Tennessee (TNADMN)
Tennessee Administrative Register (TNRGST) (1999 - present)
Tennessee Bulletins & Notices (TNBLTN) (1983 - present)
Tennessee State Net Regulatory Text (TNRTXT) (1999 - present)
Tennessee State Regulation Tracking (TNRGTR) (recent two years)
Tennessee Administrative Code (TN-ADC)
Tennessee Administrative Code (TN-ADCO02 - TN-ADCO08)
Tennessee Regulation Tracking (TN-REGTRK)
Tennessee Regulation Tracking - Full Text (TN-REGTXT)
Tennessee Administrative Hearing Procedure Rules (TNWC-ADCAH)
IV. Administrative Decisions
Opinions of the Attorney General of Tennessee, KFT 440 .A556
Attorney General Opinions (2000 – present)
Tennessee Attorney General Opinions (TNAG) (1977 - present)
Tennessee Regulatory Utility Commission Decisions (TNPUC) (1996 - present)
Tennessee Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel (TNSWCA) (1992 - present)
Environmental Law Administrative Decisions (TNENV-ADMIN)
Public Utilities Reports (TN-PUR)
Tennessee Workers' Compensation Administrative Code (TNWC-ADC)
Tennessee Administraive Hearing Procedure Rules (TNWC-ADCAH)
Tennessee Attorney General Opinions (TN-AG)
V. State Cases & Judicial Materials
West’s South Western Reporter (S.W., S.W.2d, S.W.3d), KF 135 .S7
Tennessee Appeals Reports, KFT 48 .A2
Tennessee Criminal Appeals Reports, KFT 49 .C7 1969
Tennessee Reports, KFT 45 .A2
Finding Aids
West’s Tennessee Digest 2d, KFT 57 .T4 1986
Supreme Court (1995 – present)
Court of Appeals (1995 – present)
Court of Criminal Appeals (1995 – present)
Tennessee Supreme Court Cases (TENN) (1791 - present)
Tennessee Court of Appeals Cases (APP) (1925 - present)
Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals Cases (1967 - present)
Tennessee Chancery Appeals Cases (CHAPP) (1895 - 1901)
State Courts (TN-CS) (Superior Court of the Territory South of the River Ohio: 1791 - 1796; Superior Court of Law and Equity: 1799 - 1809; Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals: 1811 - 1835; Supreme Court: 1835 - present; Court of Appeals: 1925 - present; Court of Criminal Appeals: 1967 - present; Court of Chancery Appeals: 1895 - 1901)
Tennessee Supreme Court Briefs (TN-SCT-BRIEF) (select coverage 2003 - present)
Tennessee Court of Appeals Briefs (TN-APP-BRIEF) (select coverage 2003 - present)
VI. Court Rules (State)
Tennessee Rules of Court: Local, KFT 529 .A197 Local
Tennessee Rules of Court: State, KFT 529 .A197 State
Court Rules
TN - Tennessee State & Federal Court Rules (TNRULE)
Tennessee Court Rules (TN-RULES)
Tennessee Rules Update Orders (TN-RULESUPDATES)
Criminal Justice - Tennessee Court Rules (TNCJ-RULES)
VII. Jury Instructions (State)
Tennessee Pattern Jury Instructions. Civil, KFT 80 .T4 1967 v. 8
Tennessee Jury Instructions: Criminal Cases, KFT 583 .S45
Pattern Jury Instructions (Not official ones)
Criminal Pattern Jury Instructions (Not official ones)
Tennessee Civil Jury Instructions - TBD
Tennessee Criminal Jury Instructions - TBD
Tennessee Practice Series Tennessee Pattern Jury Instructions - Civil (TINPRACJIC)
Tennessee Practice Series Tennessee Pattern Jury Instructions - Criminal (TNPRACJICR)
Tennessee Civil Jury Instruction Filings (TN-JIF-CIV)
Tennessee Jury Verdicts Combined (TN-JV)
Jury Verdict and Settlement Summaries - Tennessee (LRPTN-JV)
VIII. Forms (State)
Tennessee Divorce, Alimony & Child Custody with Forms, KFT 80 .T4 1967 vol. 19
Legal Forms, KFT 80 .T4 1967 vols. 12 - 15
Civil Procedure Forms, KFT 80 .T4 1967 vols. 5 - 6
http://www.tsc.state.tn.us/node/431 (Tennessee state trial court forms)
All TN LexisNexis Forms (LFTNAL)
Tennessee Forms for Business Transactions (TNFBUS)
Tennessee Forms for Civil Litigation (TNFCIV)
Tennessee Forms for Criminal Law (TNFCRM)
Tennessee Forms for Estate Practice (TNFEST)
Tennessee Forms for Real Estate (TNFRE)
Tennessee Form Finder (TN-FORMFINDER)
Tennessee Forms (TN-FORMS)
Tennessee Practice Series Civil Procedure Forms (TNPRAC-CPF)
Tennessee Practice Series Legal Forms (TNPRAC-LF)
IX. Federal Cases & Judicial Materials
U.S. Reports (U.S.), KF 101 .U2
Supreme Court Reporter (S.Ct.), KF 101 .S9
United States Supreme Court Reports, Lawyer’s Edition (L.Ed., L.Ed.2d), KF 101 .U58
Federal Reporter (F., F.2d, F.3d), KF 105 .F4
Federal Supplement (F.Supp., F.Supp.2d), KF 120 .F4
Federal Rules Decisions (F.R.D.), KF 120 .F45
West’s Bankruptcy Reporter (B.R.), KF 1515 .A2 W47
Finding Aids
West's Federal Practice Digest, KF 127 .F4
West’s Bankruptcy Digest, KF 1515.3 .W475
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (1999 – present published; 2004 – present unpublished)
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee (PACER subscription)
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee (by Judge)
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Tennessee
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Tennessee (ECF Database)
LexisNexis (Federal Cases)
U.S. Supreme Court Briefs (BRIEFS) (1936 - present)
U.S. Supreme Court Cases, Lawyers' Edition (USLED) (1790 - present)
United States Court of Federal Claims, Claims Court & Court of Claims Cases (1856 - present)
Federal Circuit - U.S. Court of Appeals Cases (CAFC) (1982 - present)
U.S. Bankruptcy Court Cases (BANKR) (1979 - present)
Federal Civil Procedure Cases (FEDCIV) (varies by court)
Local Federal Case
Sixth Circuit - U.S. Court of Appeals Cases (6CIR) (1912 - present)
TN Federal District Courts (TNDIST) (1832 - present)
Westlaw (Federal Cases)
All U.S. Supreme Court Cases (SCT) (1790 - present)
U.S. Supreme Court Briefs Multibase (SCT-BRIEF-ALL) (1870 - present)
U.S. Court of Appeals Cases (CTA) (1891 - present)
U.S. Court of Appeals Briefs (CTA-BRIEF) (1972 - present)
Federal Rules Decisions Cases (FRD-CS) (1938 - present)
U.S. Court of Federal Claims Cases (FEDCL) (1945 - present)
U.S. Court of Claims - Before 1945 (FEDCL-OLD) (1856 - 1944)
Local Federal Cases
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit Cases (CTA6) (1945 - present)
Federal Bankruptcy Cases - Sixth Circuit States (FBKR-CS6) (1797 - present)
U.S. District Court Cases for Tennessee (DCTTN) (1945 - present)
U.S. District Court Cases for Tennessee - Before 1945 (DCTTN-OLD) (1807 - 1944)
X. Court Rules (Federal)
KeyRules - Tennessee - U.S. District Court (KEYRULES-TN-DCT)
Sixth Circuit Manual of Model Jury Instructions — Civil, KF 8884 .M27 2005 Reserve
Sixth Circuit Manual of Model Jury Instructions — Criminal, KF 9682 .A65 U58 2007 Reserve
Pattern Jury Instructions, Criminal Cases, KF 9682 .A65 U61
Pattern Jury Instructions, Civil Cases, KF 8984 .A65 U61 Reserve
Federal Jury Practice and Instructions 6th [Jury Trial], KF 8984 .M3 2006
Federal Jury Practice and Instructions 5th [Civil and Criminal], KF 8984 .M3 2000
West's Federal Forms (FEDFORMS) (Supreme Court, Courts of Appeals, District Courts, Bankruptcy
Court, Admirality Court, National Court & Tax Court)
Federal Procedural Forms (FEDPROF)